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Give your shoppers the ability to easily click on a calendar graphic to bring up a small calendar.


  • Single - A single date box, the shopper will only be allowed to select a single day.
  • Date Range (hotel) - Two date boxes will appear. The shopper will be required to fill in both boxes. One with a "check in" date and another with a "check out" date.
  • Date Range (tickets) - Two date boxes will appear. The shopper will be able to select how many days they wish to purchase attendance for.

    FAQ: What is the difference between "hotel" and "ticket?"
    Answer: A hotel does not charge you for the day you check in. While a ticket does.

Additional Cost Per Day:
    Default = free
    This is the amount extra, per day, that you wish to charge if they request more dates then your "minimum days"

Minimum Days:
    Default = 0 days
    The minimum number of days that are required. Shoppers will receive an error if they try to checkout with less than this many days selected.

Maximum Days:
    Default = 365 days
    The maximum number of days that are allowed. Shoppers will receive an error if they try to checkout with more than this many days selected.

Advanced Configuration Options:
    What if I have sold-out dates?
    What if I need to charge more for certain holiday/popular dates?

    Both of these can be configured with by creating a small file with a list of the dates/charges. Here is an example file with several dates blacked out and a few dates that have an additional fee.

    Once you have created your file you need to include it with the following line at the bottom of your HTML page
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    Make sure to change the URL to the location of the file on your servers.